Spectacular Translation Machine at SouthBank Centre in London, 2013. Photo © Carole Mendy.
Join us to translate a children's book in a day! The Spectacular Translation Machine invites you all - adults and children alike - to discover a new story and help translate it from Turkish into French, Dutch or English. You don't need to know any Turkish, there will be tools and a few volunteers to help you. The most important will be to have fun and play with language, images and storytelling!
These are the dates:
28 & 31 October 2015 @ Muntpunt, Brussels
05 December 2015 @ Librairie Le Wolf, Brussels
16 January 2016 @ PointCulture, Brussels
The event is free and open to all.
More info on Europalia's website:
When I was Translator in Residence at the Free Word Centre in London, I had the opportunity to work on the Spectacular Translation Machine, an initiative from the British Centre for Literary Translation first hosted at the Southbank Centre. I wrote about my experience on Phoenix Yard Book's blog about the Line of Fire book, which was the work we focused on in London.
I got so inspired by the experience that I have since then dreamed of bringing the project into one of my projects outside of the UK. Being the literature curator of Europalia Festival for the Turkey edition has given me that opportunity. I am very happy to say that as part of the arts programme of this international festival focusing on Turkey in 2015-16, we are bringing the Spectacular Translation Machine to Brussels.