a dreamer's night talks - episode 15 - on my divorced parents' wedding anniversary
Tonight’s episode was born out of a text message my mother sent to our family what’s app group, reminding us of her wedding anniversary. My parents have been separated for 30 years, and they are divorced.
This episode is about love, about not having regrets, about hope… Happy anniversary to my divorced parents!
The song I mention is Zerdaliler by Ezginin günlügü.
You can also check the playlist I made on Spotify with all the songs I mention in the various episodes (which amounts to only two so far, but it will grow).

Writer, Literary Translator, Artist based in Amsterdam.
Canan (she/they) publishes The Attention Span Newsletter, taking the time to reflect, to analyse and to imagine our societies through writing, art and culture; and City in Translation, fostering discourse and conversations around the art of translation.